A current definition of health published by Health Canada defines health beyond one's physical health and incorporates the importance of "social, economic and environmental" factors (Health Canada,2008). The definition also promotes coping strategies and adaptability for individuals and groups who encounter life changes (World Health Organization, 2012). To compare the above definition with the World Health Organization's 1948 definition of health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (Huber, 2011), while it is simplistic, we can use it as a starting point. Government agencies and Public Health departments can use it to identify the healthcare needs of their populations and communities. It falls short because it neglects to include the needs of the aging population, technological advancement, preventive medicine, and changes in disease (Huber, 2011).
Redefining the W.H.O.'s definition allows people to take control of their health and gain a positive outlook on their overall health, not just a means to deter illness or disease.
In the article, Health: How should we define it? Huber discusses why the definition is too simplistic. Adding to the issues of the aging population and technology, he also mentions that the term "complete" can create this notion that people are generally "unhealthy" and require medical intervention to remove any diseases and ailments (Huber, 2011). Huber suggests an approach similar to Health Canada, where primary care physicians and health policy makers include patients in a discussion on developing coping skills to better adapt to their chronic disease and illness versus explaining their symptoms and remedying with medication (Huber, 2011). From the comparison of definitions, we can conclude that the W.H.O.’s definition is outdated requires a complex review to reflect the growing needs of the global population.
Health Canada. (2008, September 12). What is Health?. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/health-promotion/population-health/population-health-approach/what-is-health.html
World Health Organization (WHO). (2012, June 16). The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. https://www.who.int/teams/health-promotion/enhanced-wellbeing/first-global-conference
Huber, M. (2011). Health: How should we define it? British Medical Journal, 343,(7817), 235-237. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.d4163 (link http://www.jstor.org/stable/23051314 - available through the library)